Monday 22 September 2014

5 Breakfast Tips for Weight Loss

5 Breakfast Tips for Weight Loss

A number of steps can be taken by individuals who have the desire to reduce weight. Majorly they include the eating of healthy diets that help in reducing the amount of calorie intake. However, besides these there are also the performances of exercises that help these individuals to reduce the amounts of fats deposited in various unwanted areas. In relation to the eating of healthy diets, reducing weight or the loss of weight does not always involve the use of special diets. Mainly, it just involves the eating of normal food but in a healthy manner that includes portions, appropriate preparation methods and proper combinations of these foods. As such, weight loss can be achieved at any time of the day and at whatever mealtime. These include breakfast, dinner, supper and lunch time as well as during snacks that are taken between meals. Several rules are thus involved with the use of normal foods during such periods to ensure that the wish towards weight loss is achieved. Every individual who wants this should ensure that they are taking the right steps to lose or maintain weight.
Breakfast is a Special Meal Among all the other meals, breakfast is considered as the heaviest meal that an individual should take in the course of the day. It is also known to be the most important meal of the day. This is because it is taken after a long duration of rest whereby the body has been actively participating in breaking down and absorption of the meal taken at night before bed time. Thus, people are known to be the hungriest in the morning. Owing to these reasons, a major challenge is normally presented to those who are making attempts towards weight control to achieve it while taking this morning meals. It is because of this that rules for weight control are placed for this particular diet. These are quite different from those of other meal times as a result of the difference in the circumstances involved. Some of these important rules include the

5 breakfast rules that you should not break such as:

1. Consider to eat at least 8 grams of fiber

This means that you should consider aiming towards eating to your filling. You should try as much as possible to avoid foods that are likely to lead to mid morning crash. Instead, you can eat meals that are full of nutrients that get digested slowly and enable you to keep satisfied throughout the day.

2. Eat the food as soon as possible

According to research, eating breakfast acts as the jump start of your metabolic system. It assists to ensure that you do not feel starved later. With this you can avoid making the wrong diet choices during lunch and dinner. In order to take advantage of your body’s potential to burn fats, you are supposed to eat breakfast as soon as you wake up. In particular, you should eat your breakfast at least 1 hour after you wake up. It aids in the maintenance of circadian rhythm and boosts early metabolism that is significant to health.

3. Eat more proteins and less sugar

Sugary substances may look and sound enticing for regular breakfast. As opposed to other foods, they have high calories and provide less energy. These include high protein such as eggs and whole grains that make you feel energized and full. Ensure that your breakfast does not contain a lot of sugar.

4. Consider the portions

Breakfast should be big to assist you obtain your fill. However, it should not be overdone. The sizes of the servings offered during breakfast should be highly observed and the amounts of calories in them checked. At least, you should aim for about 350 calories.

5. Always take your breakfast

Skipping meals is never the best decision with regards to weight loss. This strategy is not appropriate especially when it comes to breakfast meals. Eating in the morning helps you to break and burn more calories throughout the day. Thus a solid meal in the morning helps you to feel full and eat fewer calories in the day.
Although there are those weight loss rules that you can break, others demand that they should be followed to the latter. These mainly include those ones provided for use during breakfast meals.

Sunday 14 September 2014

How to Lighten Skin Naturally, Homemade Skin Whitening Tips

How to Lighten Skin Naturally, Homemade Sskin Whitening Tips

Many women with dark complexions wish that their skin had lighter, more even coloring. The reasons behind dark and dull skin can be hereditary, overexposure to the sun, environmental pollution, a medical condition, dry skin, stress, poor lifestyle choices, and prolonged use of chemical-based cosmetic products.
Many people work hard to achieve fair and flawless skin. The market is flooded with skin-lightening creams and lotions. But such products have harmful chemicals that can ultimately damage your skin. Oftentimes the products are expensive, too.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Top 10 Ways to Prepare Kale,Chips, Juice, Slaw, Pasta, Pizza, Soup

My body has been deprived of leafy greens this summer. It has been so hot here in Nashville, that no greens stood a chance to grow in the blazing heat. Last week, I saw a familiar friend at the Market – KALE! I couldn’t believe it. For me this marked the end of the summer, and the promise of cooler temperatures to come.
So I over zealously bought 5 bunches, which set me back about $15. I didn’t care, I had kale.
Once I got home I realized that I couldn’t really fit all 5 bunches in my refrigerator, so I needed to deal with it in the next day or so. So I decided to make up a big batch of kale pesto that I could freeze. (Recipe)
After receiving lots of messages via twitter about what else people could do with kale, I figured I’d better help ya’ll out and offer a few ways to prepare it. It’s no secret that kale is one of nature’s super foods, and getting it into your diet is worth the effort.
10 Great Ways to Eat Kale...
  1. Kale Chips – This simple preparation of kale will have you begging for more. A crispy salty treat that is better than popcorn or potato chips.

  2. Kale Pesto – More flavorful than basil pesto, this is a great addition to pizza, pasta, or in an omelet.

  3. Sauteed Kale – For a hearty side dish, this is a classic preparation. I saute onions and garlic before I add the kale, and add a couple dashes of hot sauce for an added kick.

  4. Kale Quiche – You can substitute any spinach quiche with kale and it offers the same great taste with the added health benefits.

  5. Kale Soup – A classic kale soup is made with white beans and ham or sausage, however I like this recipe of using acorn squash and kale to create a sweet and savory winter favorite.

  6. Kale Lasagna – The perfect “make ahead” recipe for a hearty dinner is a dish the whole family can enjoy.
  7. Kale Juice – If you own a juicer, kale is quite possibly the healthiest thing to juice. Mix it with apples, carrot and a little lemon for a drink that is better for you than liquid gold.

  8. Kale Slaw – You can substitute raw kale for raw cabbage in this recipe.

  9. Kale Pasta – One of my favorite ingredients to add to pasta. Goes with just about anything from spaghetti to sausage pasta to baked macaroni and cheese.

  10. Kale Pizza – One of the joys I’ve found with eating seasonally is changing up my grilled pizza toppings. One of my favorite combinations is sauteed kale, caramelized onions, strong white cheeses, and some crispy bacon.
Overall, kale is a delicious and hearty green. Treat it like spinach and you can substitute it in just about any recipe. Experiment and enjoy!

4 Homemade Vitamin Waters for Detox + Weight Loss

Make your own Natural Refreshing Weight Loss Detox Water!

~ flush toxicity, add nutrients, and drink the weight away~
Not only can you flush away toxicity but you can add vital nutrients & minerals to your water with the following combinations:

Detox Water Ingredients:

  • 1/2 gallon water
  • 1 grapefruit, sliced (can substitute with one lemon)
  • 1 tangerine, sliced (can substitute with orange)
  • 1 large cucumber, sliced
  • 10-20 peppermint leaves
  • Ice – as much as you like


Rinse grapefruit, tangerine, cucumber and peppermint leaves. Slice the cucumber, grapefruit, and tangerine. Then combine all ingredients in a half gallon pitcher. Allow ingredients to sit as long as possible for maximum benefits.
Now let’s keep it simple because if you want to make any combination for optimal detox & weight loss, you can! Simply Take a large pitcher, or other water safe container, and fill with fresh water.
You can Add:
- Fresh fruits (cut the fruit into paper-thin slices or small chunks) – Mint for extra natural flavoring
- Stevia or pure raw honey to add sweetness

Refrigerate your Detox Water for 4-6 hours and serve over ice.

Detox Water Recipe Combination Recommendations:

(1) Green Tea, Mint & Lime – wonderful to aid in fat burning and assist with digestion, combating headaches and congestion; also a natural breath freshener

(2) Strawberry – Kiwi – promotes cardiovascular health, immune system protection, blood sugar regulation and aids digestion
(3) Cucumber, Lime & Leon m– supports water weight management, reduces bloating, assists with appetite control, hydration and aids digestion
(4) Lemon, Lime & Orange – promotes proper digestion, added vitamin C, supports immune defense, reduces heartburn; enjoy this one at room temperature.

Friday 12 September 2014

Top Exercises to Increase Height

We all want to grow taller and sometimes just need the correct guidance in order to do so. The basic question in this case that is asked by almost everyone is how you get tall. One more question that is asked by teenagers, especially boys is that what are the exercises to grow taller? Hence if you are really worried about your height and want to increase your height, try doing any of the following exercise to increase height.

#1 : Stretching is really good for health

If you have not done stretching before, here’s how you do it. First of all, you need to stand vertically on your feet. Once done, you will have to lift your body with both your arms facing up. Try and remain in this position as well as try and stretch your body as much as possible. You should remain in this position from 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat this process couple of times and you are done. You can also try out different variations of Stretching like the vertical stretching, the bow down, the bridge and the super stretch.

#2 : Hanging exercises if done in proper way are good for health

Hanging exercises are the exercises that can be considered as universal in nature. This means they can be done by people of all ages. If done correctly this is really helpful to keep you fit as well as help you grow up in height. All you need to do for this is hang on a horizontal bar with your arms and your spine stretched out. You can stay in this position for 10 seconds and can repeat this exercise 5 to 6 times without exerting yourself.

#3 : Swimming makes it easy for you to grow

We all are familiar with swimming. The process is very simple. All you need to do is remain floating on water. However, it is only simple when you know how to swim. So, the first step for you if you do not know how to swim is to learn the procedure from a trainer. Even if you swim for 5 hours a week, you will find that you are feeling more fresh and rejuvenated. Hence, if you are looking for a full body exercise, try out the breast stroke, which provides exercise for each and every part of your body.

#4 : Inversion tables can be a bit risky

Using inversion table without proper expertise and supervision can be considered as a risky affair. But if you know the procedure of the same, it will look very simple. All you need to do is hang upside down from the “inversion table”. This particular exercise is helpful for stretching all the parts of your body, especially your knees, your vertebrae and your thighs.

#5 : Leg kick is a less known exercise but works better

The name of the exercise suggests what you need to do. You need to stand on the floor and then kick your lower legs vigorously without moving your thighs. This helps the cartilage present in your knees to grow in mass and eventually helps in your growth. This is the exercise that is performed regularly by the martial arts fighter.

#6 : Basketball is a great way to grow up

Have you ever heard that basketball helps you grow up? If the answer is no, then it is true in both senses. When you play basketball you can grow in height as well as grow up mentally. Hence it is a great way to grow up as an adult.

#7 : Cobra pose is a new way of stretching

One of the exercises that help you grow up is the cobra pose. In this, you need to lie down on your stomach and keep your upper body still. After that lift your upper body and try and stretch as much you want. This pose resembles the snake cobra and hence is named after it.

#8 : Ankle weights can serve as a good way

One more way to grow up is perhaps using ankle weights. This is done by tying small weights to your ankles and it helps in the growth of your knee cartilages which in turn help in the growth.


Thus, if you try out the above exercises, you are bound to find an improvement in terms of growth. In addition to this, you must follow a proper balanced diet. So, start your workout routine today and grow up. All the best!

Now It’s Your Turn

Choose two or three exercises above you are interested in and make it a habit to take them and leave a comment to let me know what are your choices. After you are taller, remember to share your experience here.

Monday 8 September 2014

Best 8 Home Remedies for Headaches and Migraine

Headaches, including migraines, are extremely common. Because headaches can stem from a variety of causes, some headache sufferers seek treatment on a near-daily basis. Fortunately, there are several home-remedy treatments that can help alleviate migraine pain and other types of headaches. Read on to discover which headache remedies you may already have at home.

Lavender Oil

Not only does lavender smell great — it’s also a useful home remedy for headaches and migraine pain. Lavender oil can be either inhaled or applied topically. Two to four drops for every two to three cups of boiling water are recommended when inhaling lavender-oil vapors as a headache treatment. Unlike many medicinal oils, this home remedy can also be safely applied externally without the need to dilute

Friday 5 September 2014

How to Get Rid of Whiteheads And Blackheads Naturally

How to Get Rid of Whiteheads And Blackheads Naturally
Contrary to popular belief, whiteheads and blackheads are a form of acne. Making things very simple, acne may be divided into two categories: pimples & cysts and whiteheads & blackheads. Blackheads and whiteheads, known as comedones, aren’t of course as blatant symptoms of acne as pimples or cysts but certainly need to be addressed. They also can be more numerous on the face and shoulders.
Acne is not only the most prevailing skin problem, but it also affects people of all ages, both genders and all ethnicities. Over 85% of teens and young adults, and 35% to 40% of adults suffer from this condition. Actually, during the last ten years, the average age of an acne sufferer increased from 20.5 to 26.5 years old.
Acne results from inflammation caused by too much skin oil (sebum) clogging the skin pores. More specifically, the sebaceous glands and dead skin cells known as corneocytes build up in the pores, and because the sebaceous material contains a lot of P. acnes bacteria, the surrounding skin now gets infected creating a red bump known as a typical pimple. The medical term for this red bump is an inflammatory papule.
How to make your whiteheads and blackheads disappear
Blackheads, also known as open comedones, are hair follicles that have a wider than normal opening. They are filled with plugs of sebum and dead skin cells and have undergone a chemical reaction resulting in the oxidation of melanin. This gives the substance in the follicle the typical black color.
Whiteheads, known as closed comedones, are follicles that are filled with the sebum but have only a microscopic opening to the skin surface. Since the air cannot reach the follicle, the material is not oxidized, and remains white.
How to Care for Blackheads and Whiteheads

The keys to caring for acne are persistence and patience. There is no overnight cure for acne, including blackheads and whiteheads. Using a treatment that will  prevent acne from forming is the only real way to get rid of these types of skin problems. This process can only happen from the inside out, with possible help from some topical cleaning agents that can help control bacteria and remove excess dead skin cells that in consequence, if used regularly, may help improve follicle health. Beware of cleaning products that claim that they treat acne; they may ONLY help to diminish the symptoms. Some of these cleaning products can be used in conjunction with, but not instead of, a  treatment that actually removes the causes of acne.

Treating and preventing acne is the only real way of treating acne long term since it is focused on helping the body to regulate secretion of the sebaceous glands to produce less sebum. To further improve the results, such a  treatment should be accompanied by  good skincare practices that limit the inflammation resulting from mixing sebum, dead skin cells and bacteria.
Acne is not caused by eating certain foods or by “dirty” skin, so even though proper skin hygiene and living a healthy lifestyle may be helpful, they don’t treat acne. To the contrary, excessive scrubbing does not help, and can even make the skin more irritated and inflamed by creating abrasions that further invite bacteria or just simply provoke the skin to protect itself by producing more skin oil.
Skincare Regimen for Blackheads and Whiteheads

The best cleaning routine for comedones (blackheads and whiteheads) includes twice-a-day cleansing with a mild, non comedogenic cleanser, regular use of chamomile astringent, occasional use of witch hazel to dab on the effected areas and  application of skin masks to aid in the removal of excess sebum and dead skin cells that contribute to the buildup of oil in the follicles.

Frequently used methods of blackhead removal include squeezing with fingers and the use of a metal extractor or suction. While these methods may be successful at removing the blockages, they also may cause scarring and permanent damage of capillary blood vessels (small blood vessels that “ feed” the skin with blood, nutrients and oxygen), and skin tissue damage that, over time, can deplete the skin of natural oils and speed up the skin aging process. Additionally, many facial cleansers and scrubs (especially those that include fatty or oily substances or utilize beads, crystals, parts of grated nuts or other cleansing and/or exfoliating agents) may actually cause more damage by depositing clogging agents onto the skin as well as making the skin more susceptible to bacterial infection through unwanted abrasion.

Egg White & Lemon Mask
Lemon juice is a powerful ingredient in eliminating oil and bacteria, clearing away blackheads, tightening pores and even lightening sun and hyperpigmentation spots. Egg whites brighten and tighten the skin making it feel lifted, so your pores will be smaller after this mask. Egg whites also aid in clearing up old breakouts. This mask should be applied after you’ve cleaned your face, and should not be used if you’ve already applied a mask the same day.
1 egg white (separate the yolk and the white completely)
1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice (organic if possible)

Use a small bowl, and thick cosmetic brush made of natural hair (no plastic brushes please!). For better application, choose a flat and broad bristle. Wash the brush before use. Clean after using with hot water only (no soap).
Using an eggbeater or fork, mix the egg white and lemon juice well into a smooth consistency in the bowl.

Apply on a clean face with a brush, covering your entire face; avoid contact with eyes and eyelids. If the mask gets into your eye, rinse well with warm water immediately.
You may apply two layers of the mix if you have enough of it.
Relax for 20-25 minutes.

You will know that the mask is ready to remove when you feel it is stiff and dry on your face. Peel the mask from your face with your fingers.
Finish with a chamomile astringent.